mommy&me " I am getting bigger each day" is the daily statement from Miss G. I am going to be honest, I don't like it. I want her to stay little as long as possible and tell her as much. I like the fact that she still needs me. I like that she wants me to still pick her up. I like that she wants to cuddle with me or sit beside while watching one of her kiddie shows. I love hearing her little voice them me that she loves me and calling me mommy. I don't want any of that to go away anytime soon. I hate the thought of her growing up, but I knew that it was going to happen. I know with each phase of life, there are new memories to be made together. As we continue on this life journey she may ask me about make up and boys. She will ask me about what is love. I hope that she will cuddle with me when she needs a shoulder to cry on. I hope that she will continue on tell me she loves me, even she has a teenage rant. I know she has aspirations of riding a 2-wheel ...