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Holiday Ramblings

Here are a few thoughts I have about the holiday season......
  • Do you always feel like you always have to place money in the "red kettle" from the Salvation Army? Since they are outside so many stores, I always feel bad when I walk past the attendant and don't put money  in the "red kettle" because the last store I was at I put money in there. I always feel like the person  ringing the bell is always giving me the evil eye and that I need to offer an explaination as to why I am not putting money in their kettle.
  • What did we do before dollar stores carried wrapping paper? I  know what we did ....was paid alot more money for something that people ripped apart within 5 seconds.
  • Why do co-workers who do not normally cook always decide that the office holiday party will be the time to start? It is is suppose to be a joyous occassion, not one that ends up with everyone going to the ER later that evening. My advice is that  if you do not normally not start until after the holidays and volunteer to pick up a pre-made veggie tray or chips and salsa for the party.
  •  Why is the song, "The Christmas Shoes" so depressing? I know that it was supposed to teach the spirit of Christmas but is just a sad song.
  • Why do we never prepare enough ahead so that we can actually enjoy the holidays? Even if we do prepare,there is always something that comes up.
  • Why is there always someone on your guest list that you forget and have to end up "re-gifting" a gift to make sure that they have something?
  • I think that people drive so crazy around the holidays. I understand that you have to get your Christmas shopping done, but do you have to try to kill me in the process or ghetto park in the parking lot of store. Don't let a little snow or ice be on the ground while all this is going on, then it becomes "Cars on Ice". It really  just makes you want to take the bus.
    Happy Holidays!!


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