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New Traditions

I do not know why I feel the need to do something special this holiday, especially since Mr. J and I had been together for a while before getting married. Maybe it because I can get the Hallmark card that says," Merry Christmas, to My Husband"  this Christmas. One the new traditions that we did start was that, we are going to be purchasing a new ornament just for us each year. The first ornament we actually bought on our honeymoon. I made sure that I wrote the year on the bottom of it so that when we are putting up the Christmas tree when are 80 years old and can not remember where and when we got the ornament from  the date would jog our memory. We also got one with a gingerbread girl and boy with our names on it and one that is like a picture frame that we put one of our wedding pictures in. I have been looking for one that says first Christmas together, but I have not found one that I like.

I think that I am going to make us a special meal on Christmas Eve, since we will be with family and friends on Christmas. We use to have Christmas Eve dinner together when we were in school, since he would have to drive out town to be with his family on Christmas Day. I am not sure what I am making just yet, something easy since I will have cooking to do for Christmas Day.

Are you making any new holiday traditions this holiday with your hubby or did you your first holiday season together?


Anonymous said…
Here is a cute idea:

I wanted to try a new tradition with my husband as well. We decided to pick a theme and gift each other gifts from that theme each year. It could be jewelry, sports-related, something spiritual, etc.
Dana said…
That sounds like a great idea. I really like the theme idea,but I am not sure if my husband would follow the theme plan.

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