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Things to Do in 2010

As we get ready to go in 2010, I began thinking about what I wanted to accomplish in 2010. I know all I wanted to do for 2009 was get married. I really do not want to make resolutions since so many of us break them, some of us break them within minutes of taking them. I much rather make a to do list, so that I can check off things as I accomplish them. I think that 10 is a good number to start with and as situations or my needs change I can update my list. At the beginning of the year I will add my list to the side of my blog and will occasionally update you on my progress. Well, here is my list, in no particular order:

  1. Read 10 books.
  2. Try at least 5 new baking and cooking recipes.
  3. Save at least $500.00 before the end of 2010.  I am really bad at saving, but I got better when planning for my wedding.
  4. Try to keep my closet together. I love to shop so I have lots of clothes, coats and shoes that I need to keep organized. Lots of times my closet just seems to exploded.  My goal is not to totally move my husband out of the closet.
  5. Lose 50 pounds. My have continued to go to the gym since my wedding, but I have sort of  level out with my weight loss. Maybe I will treat myself to a Wii for my birthday.
  6. To continue to work on my relationship with God.
  7. Plan a vacation and some weekend trips with the hubby.
  8. Blog at least 3 times per week.
  9. Complete some home improvements. There are a few things that I would like to finish like painting the hallway and redoing the downstairs bathroom.
  10. Spend more time with my hubby.
Do you have anything that you want to do in 2010?

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