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Wedded Wednesday

Wedded Wednesday is a collaboration
of married bloggers sharing their inspirations,

anecdotes, struggles and thoughts regarding
the amazing union of two separate people, as one.

Is you definition of couples time different from your mates? I realized the other day that mine is. My husband loves all aspects of working in the yard. My idea of working in the yard is picking flowers  to make arrangements in the house, selecting what veggies to plant and picking ripe veggies out of the garden. I really do not enjoy doing any of the preparation work, but I will if I have to. The other day Mr. J was preparing the garden for planting and the conversation went like this....

Mr. J: " You coming outside to help me turn over the dirt?"
Long pause as I just looked out of our dining room window.
Mr. J: " Did you hear me?"
Me: "Yes, but I really did not plan on it."
Mr. J: " I am waiting on you."
Me: " I am not dressed to work in the yard."
Mr. J just shakes his head and then starts turning the dirt over in the garden. While  he was doing that, I went to go and put on an old pair of pants and t-shirt and my work boots and headed outside. Once outside the conversation resumes.
Mr. J: "Here get the shovel and start turning over the dirt."
I start whining hoping that he will just say I am not doing it right, so that I can go back into the house. It was hot out. I think that he was on to my plan.

Mr.J: " Stop whining. We are doing this for us. This is couples time."
Me: "This is not couples time."
Mr. J:" Why not? We can have a conversation  out here while we do something that is going to benefit us."

Long story short, I ended up staying out there and turning over the dirt for the garden with him. He was right, we had a good conversation, but I could not wait to get into the house to take a shower. I was so sweaty.

I learned 2 good lessons, besides learning that we need to wait until the sun goes now a little bit before working in the garden, is that anytime spend together is couples time. The second lesson I learned was that if it is important to your mate is should be important to you, even if you do not always like it.


Sarah Louise said…
Good post! I constantly have to remind myself that my husband doesn't enjoy all of the same activities that I do, yet he does them I need to do the same for him.
Ooh! I love this! When Tony and I first started running together he was a nonstop chatter box and I hated it. Truth be told, I didn't even want him running with me. He was interrupting MY time and then I thought better of it and began to look forward to our runs together as our time together.

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