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Weekend Sweeps


It snowed all day, so many businesses were closed, including my recreational center where my line dancing class is being held. Since I could not attend my line dancing class, I did my new Walk Away the Pounds dvd. It was a workout. I did a little housework and then tried to clear some of the shows off of my DVR.


Went to Kroger and picked up some odds and ends. Hubby and I were suppose to be going sledding, but after an hour of looking for the deflated inter-tube (note to self: keep it inflated so that it is easier to fine) the we could not remember if it was in the garage or in the shed, we gave up. I completed some laundry tasks ( I hate putting up laundry). We ended up making spaghetti together and watching Takers and Grown-Ups. We enjoyed both movies.


Blessed service at church. Was a total relaxing day. We chilled on the couch all day. We watched Wall Street Never Sleeps before our Sunday night line up came on of  The Simpsons, Family Guy and Bob's Burgers. We usually watch CSI:Miami but since there was a football game was on they did not show it. Hubby was not happy about that.

Hope you had a good weekend.


Anonymous said…
That's awesome that we both had movie weekends! It was perfect weather for that!
Faith said…
the weather stunk this weekend! hate it!

i want to see Takers so bad! glad to hear the good review!

sounds like a relaxing weekend!

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