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Baby G: Birth Story Part I

Our birth story begins on February 2, 2012. I woke up on that Wednesday morning about 7:30am to get ready for my doctors appointment and noticed that my night gown felt wet. I rolled over and asked the hubby if he had spilled something in the bed. He of course said no and said that I urinated the bed. Which I was sure that I did not do. I got out of the bed and noticed a wet spot in on the sheets. I immediately thought my "water" was leaking. After all of my investigating, I finally called my OB/GYN office to speak to my doctor. Once speaking to her, she told me to not to come to my doctors appointment but immediately to go to the hospital to get checked out.  I rewoke the hubby and told him what the doctor said. I took a shower, put on the outfit that I had picked out to wear to the hospital when I was in labor, grabbed my bag and away we went.

Once we arrived at the hospital, they hooked my up to the monitors to check the baby's heartbeat. Then they stated that I needed to wait on a doctor to come in to check the what the fluid was. Minutes turned into hours. I began to upset and worried since I was afraid that I was leaking amino fluid and did not want anything to happen to the baby. The hubby went to go and find a doctor and the nurse keep putting us off. Finally after 3 hours, the resident showed up to test the fluid. That was a painful exam, especially since I had not dilated any. After all of that waiting the resident stated that it was not amino fluid, but that sometimes pregnant woman have extra fluid that they sometimes leak. Basically, they sent me home after waiting 3 hours to hear that I was fine.   I was glad it was nothing but I was alittle pissed about having to wait all that time especially since it seemed that I was the only one on the floor. I did let hospital know I was not happy about that experience.

We came home and we both immediately took a long nap. Once we awoke we began to talk about all the things that were left to do for the baby's arrival. Little did we know, her arrival would be a little sooner than later.


Faith said…
I'm so excited to read more! I can't believe the hospital sent you back home !

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