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Miss G is 9 Months

Size of Miss G.:  Miss G. was 20 pounds at her last check up for a cough she had. She has an upcoming appointment I wonder how much she will weigh then.

Clothes: Depending on the clothes maker she is wearing 6-9 months and 9-12 months. 

She is still wearing size 3 diapers.

Movement: She is really moving. She rolls, grabs and reaches for everything. She just started to crawl.She tries to walk around while holding on to the couch or the ottoman.

Baby stuff: Her baby ache comes and goes. She now has two teeth and those little things hurt. 

She likes things that make noise or are soft that she put it in her mouth. She really likes to dance and clap her hands.  It is fun to see her exploring and learning.

Sleep:  She still takes 2-3 naps per day. Her nap times vary from 45 minutes to 2 hours or more. We still enjoy our long weekend naps.

She has been sleeping from 9:30pm-7:00am, sometimes on the weekends she will sleep in until 8:00. She will fall asleep around 8:00-9:30 pm , but I wake her up briefly to put on her night diaper.

Feeding: She is now drinking 2-3 8oz bottles at day. She is eating cereal for lunch and have a veggie, fruit and sometimes chicken at dinner. She is not a picky eater and seems to enjoy everything that I have given her. I am still making her food and mashing it up in the blender. I tried baby food  with her when we went on short trip and she did nothing but spit it up, so I guess that is out.She loves her Gerber Crunchies.

Milestones: She has just started to crawl. She loves to feed herself her crunchy snack or rice snacks. She has started getting some juice in a sippy cup and is doing pretty well. 

Her hair has started to come in more. YEAH!!!

Baby Gear: Still loving dressing her up, especially on Sundays for church. Since she just started crawling, we are going to need to get a baby gate and start putting some baby locks on the cabinets.

Moment of the Month: Watching her crawl for the first time.

Mommy Moments: Watching her play with her daddy and listening to her laugh.


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