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She Is 11 Months

Size of Miss G.: 
Miss G. was 20 pounds and a few ounces at her last appointment. She feels a little heavier, but we won't know how much she actually weighs until next month when she visits the doctor again.
Clothes: Depending on the clothes maker she is wearing 6-12 or 9-12 months. 

She is still wearing size 3 diapers.

Movement: She is moving and shaking. She crawls. She rolls. She grabs. She walks around the furniture and even walks with her little walker toy that she pushes around. She is starting to balance herself and standing on her own. We can barely keep up with her. I can just imagine what is going to happen when she starts walking.

She is a dancing machine. She loves music. It really gets moving for the Toyota and Hershey Kiss commercial.

Baby stuff:    Her baby acne and eczema comes and goes. Due to winter we keep her covered in Vaseline. It makes it interesting when I am trying to put her clothes on.

Fisher Price IPhone Case
 She is quite a little explorer. She really likes all the toys that she got for Christmas that make noise. She really likes the Fisher Price IPhone case the received from her Godmommy Bev. I can upload the apps for her to explore.

She really likes watching Sid the Science Kid with her dad and Play with Me Sesame with me.

Sleep:  She takes 2 naps per day. Her nap times vary from 45 minutes to 2 hours or more. We still enjoy our long weekend naps.

She has been sleeping from 8:30pm-7:00am, sometimes on the weekends she will sleep in until 8:00. She will fall asleep around 8:00-9:30 pm , but I wake her up briefly to put on her night diaper.

Feeding: She is now drinking 2-3 8oz bottles at day.She is usually eating cereal and toast for breakfast and a variety of thing for lunch and dinner. She usually eats what we eat for dinner with some variations for her little tummy.

Milestones: She has 4 teeth. Her lower fronts and her fangs at the top. Our little vampire.
From all the months of no hair, she now has a little Afro. Yeah!!

Baby Gear: Still loving dressing her up, especially on Sundays for church.  She has been wearing her tennis shoes to school so that it gives her some stability while she walks around the furniture and stands up on her own. I need to get her some walkers from Stride Rite to help her ankles.

Moment of the Month: Watching her learn how to get up the step from our living room to our dining room.  

Mommy Moments: Being a little sad that next month she will be one. It seemed to go so quick. My little one is getting is not so little anymore.


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