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Class of 2030---No Not Already!!!!

Well this happened today............>>>>>>>>>
She thought this was funny.

My little one is off to preschool. feels like I just had her.  Her school has kindergarten orientation for two days prior to all the school coming. The first day of orientation, I brought her on the campus and the traffic coordinator (not when I was in school, was it not a crossing guard) said today was the only day that I could walk her into the building, WHAT!!! Not my baby. I am bringing her in everyday. We walked in the school all the teachers were outside cheering them on and the principal (oops, team leader), greeted and shook everyone's hand as they enter. She started talking to some of kids that she knew from her old school and some she didn't, like nothing was going on. I am standing there all anxious about her first half of day. We walked to her room and she started to complain about me taking pictures. She gave a me fist bump, high five, hug and kiss as before speaking to her teacher and entering her room. I watched her try the breakfast, which she did not like and asked for butter and sugar for her oatmeal and a straw for her milk, before pushing it in the middle of the table and making a face. Luckily, I had fed her before getting there.  There I stood looking through the glass with the other moms watching our babies on their new journey.  I stood there for awhile until my eyes began to hurt. Oh wait a minute I was crying. I hurried up and grabbed the tissues that the teacher had outside the door for us moms. The tears streamed a little and once I hit outside and call my bestie, I began to sob. When I mean sob, I mean ugly cry and all. She calmed me down and I was able to go to work. I feel even better when, she called me from her dads car to tell me about her day.

On the second day of orientation, we went though the same thing but this time, they only allowed me to drop her off. I thought I was going to be upset, but I was fine once I saw her get out the car and begin talking to one of the teacher, but took the time to wave bye to me.  We have kinda made it a tradition that the day before school we do something special, so we went an got an ICEE and came home and made cookies.

Today was her first full day. I was nervous for her , but I tried to remind myself that she was in preschool for the same time period each day. I was so concerned , but her biggest concern was that she could not go to the playground because it rainy a little this morning. She did what she did yesterday upon drop off, she waved at me and turned around yelled "Bye Mommy." 

Gabrielle is an independent and feisty 5 year old. I do not think that this was a big transition for her as it was for me. It is kinda of like a death, your child going to kindergarten. It is dying of her baby and toddler life and moving on to kid life.  There are things that I miss about her little-ness but I am enjoying part so of kid-ness. We can explore more and have conversation about her and life. 

This is a growing time for me as a mom. I am learning how to not to treat her like a baby but as a little person. Someone who can make choices, voice her opinion (which she does) and learning and exploring the world around her. It might be hard for me to let go to allow her to be able to spread her wings, but her all of her stubbornness, she is going to do it anyway. I look forward to seeing what this year brings and all the greatness she is going to show the world. I pray to her to be safe, kind, serve others, dedicated, focused and keep God first in all that she does. With all of that....I don't have anything to worry about.


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