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Monday Murmurings: Learning to Help

My church had a back to school rally this past weekend for the families within the neighborhood of the church. Since I was one of the coordinators of the event, I decided to leave my daughter home for the day since so much would be going on. She was so upset because she wanted to help the kids that did not have school supplies. I gave her a tasks to assist to assist me with gathering items for the event, picking out some schools supplies to donate and helping me get additional school supplies organized for the event. While I assisting she was asking questions about," Why don't other kids have school supplies?" " Do you think purple is one the kids favorite colors like mine?" I tried to my best of ability to  answer the questions of my inquisitive 5 year old so that should could understand. I did not think that I did a good job in explaining but then Gabrielle said, "We are helping the parents, help their kids, like you and daddy help me." All I could say was, "Yes." She has such a caring heart and loves to help. I hope she always has a mind to help others.

I think as parents we want to teach our children to be kind, generous and to think about the world around them. I am not sure that can be taught without action, them observing your do it or allowing them to participate in the process. It is my hope that I am showing her what it means to assist others not for your own self gratification, but to truly be of service to others.


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