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Monday Murmurings: No See, No Hear

This weekend when we went to a children's museum ( more on our trip later), but while Gabrielle was exploring one of the areas that was supposed to look like a woods area. There were places to climb trees, rock walls, places to crawl and a fish tank tunnel to crawl through.  While in this part of the museum,  Gabrielle began to run around to with  4-5 other children in the area.  I was just sitting there listening to all the children, who just met, call each other names, laughing, and talking to each other. I turned to my husband and said, " They just met and they all act like they have known each other forever. Children don't see color."  He agreed and we just watched and listen some more as they played and little would we know the events of Saturday were taking place in Virginia.  Children don't see color sex or race, they just see another child. Why do people teach hate instead of concern for one another?  Why can't this world be like a 5 year old exploring and playing with other children? I ache for the people involved in this weekends incident as well as for the children of this world. What are we teaching them and are we really leading by example?  It makes me concerned for Gabrielle and her life. What struggles is she going have growing up a woman of color?  Am I preparing her for world out there? Sometimes when things like this happen, it just makes me want to hold her close and never let her go. I will continue to teach her to have different experiences, explore different cultures and accept people for who they are and not by their race, color or creed.  I will try not to worry if my husband will make it home safely from work each night.  I will pray over her daily for her safety, family and friends safety and the safety of this country and this world. Eventually, change will happen. I have to believe that.


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