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NPHC Weekend

I have been tired all week from the past weekend. It was Alumni Chapter National Pan-Hellenic Council Greek Unity Weekend. There were all sorts of activities planned from a community service to a picnic. Well, I am a sorority girl at heart and anytime, well most of the time, that I spend sometime with my sorors it is a good time. I have been practicing for weeks for a party- stroll (if you have seen Stomp the Yard or School Daze you know what I am talking about). I really need to remember that I am in my thirties and not my twenties any more. I am still sore this week from all the practice and the show. Unfortunately, on Saturday, the judges ( who do not know good taste, when they see it) scored us 5 points below the next team. So we lost...what a bummer. I won't lie, I was so pissed that I needed to leave before I said some choice words.( I am in the middle getting ready to get my stroll on)

After the party stroll, there was an after party at a local club. I have not really been to a club for several years and after last Saturday I see why I have not been to a club. There were sites that were not meant for public eyes to see. I really felt over dressed with my top and jeans on. So after standing in line for 45 minutes and not getting in, I brought my 30-something(use to love this show) butt home.
(Those pretty sorors posing for a picture)

On Sunday there was a picnic. I was not going initially since I was still pissed from my team losing the party walk. Well, the drama did not happen at the picnic it happened before the picnic , when Mr.J saw my dress. I thought I was cute. He thought a was a little too cute. He was a little upset when I left in my dress anyway. What do you think? I had a good time at the picnic, seeing all of my friends, eating the free food and line dancing for almost a half an hour.( I am in the blue dress getting my line dance on. I really need to remember that I have arthritis.)

Maybe this weekend I will be able to relax a little...NOT!! Mr. J and I have plans to go to a jazz concert and we have our "trash the dress" photo shoot. I really miss the days of getting up on Saturday mornings in my Underroos with a bowl of cereal watching cartoons, until it was time for a nap. Those were the days. Have a great weekend!!!


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