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I Did It!!!

I completed the NaBloPoMo challenge. I completed 30 post within 30 days. I thought it was going to hard to thing of things to post about (I must admit sometimes it was), but I always found something to talk about. I think it is a good accomplishment, especially since my blogging had kinda of slacked off. It has totally motivated me. I may even take the challenge again at some point. Now, I can not promise that I will be posting everyday now that the challenge is over for me, but I know I will be posting more frequently than I was before the challenge. If you want to complete the challenge you can go to the NaBloPoMo site for more information.

The best thing about the challenge was that I have gotten to know some of my fellow bloggers. That is the whole reason that I started blogging, besides recording my wedding planning process. I have really enjoyed the conversations that have taken place and hope they continue. I thank you all for reading my little old blog and hope that you stick around to see what else I have to say.


Aarika said…
Congrats on accomplishing your goal. I know it took a lot of effort and you did good.

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