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Miss G is 3 Months

Size of Miss G.:  At the last doctors appointment, Miss G. was  10 pounds 8 ounces. She was 21 1/2 inches long. The doctor stated that she was in her 50% and right on track. She goes for a doctors appointment at the end of the month so we will see how much bigger she has gotten.

Clothes: I realized last week that her newborn clothing is snug. She is currently wearing some 0-3 months but most wearing 3-6 months.

She is still wearing size 1 diapers. 

Movement: She discovered her hands this past week. She is always putting them in her mouth or has them crossed on her chest. 

She has been trying to pull herself up as to try to sit up on her own. What a big girl.

She has lots and lots of smiles for us. She has been smiling alot and giggling. It is so cute and make us smile alot too. 

Baby stuff: She still has a few spots of baby acne but most of it has cleared up. 

She loves to splash during her bath time.

She has always been a spitty baby, so we use lots and lots of bibs. I try to coordinate them with her outfit, before she gets something on her outfit.

Sleep: Her naps have been getting shorter. Sometimes she naps for between 1 1/2 - 2 1/2 hours, two to three times a day. She at times will nap for 3-3 1/2 at a time. 

Over the past few nights she has been sleeping for 5-6 hour stretches. It has been nice and I hope it continues.

Feeding: She is still breast feed with supplementation of milk. She has been drinking between 5- 5 1/2 ounces at a time and been going longer stretches in-between feedings. At her next doctors appointment we will talk about her feeding schedule and adding cereal and foods to her menu.

Milestones: She seems to respond a little when her name is called, by smiling at you or giggling. She discovered her hands like I stated above and she has been moving her legs and feet alot, especially when she is upset or excited.

Baby Gear: She still likes her swing. Lately, she has been wanting to sit in her Boppy next to me while I am reading or watching TV. She still does not like her car seat and almost cries every time I put her in it. She eventually settles down once she is in motion in the car or stroller.

Moment of the Month: The first time I saw her smile at me.

Mommy Moments: I am enjoying everyday with. Every day she does something new that I can share with my hubby or he shares something that he saw her do. 

I have been enjoying our evening routine of bath time, reading a book, calling her Nana and snuggling until she falls asleep. She is truly loved.


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