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Flip Flop Fight? Is That Right?

I know that the economy is rough right now, but fighting at a local Old Navy store to get $1.00 flip flops is a bit much. I like a bargain just as much as anyone but this is a little out of hand. When I went to Old Navy yesterday hoping to get some of the $1.00 flip flops, but by time I made it there they were all gone except for sizes 5,6 or 7. Since I wear a 9/10 that really did not work for me. I wanted some new flip flop colors, but I really was not going to stand in line for them. I only get up early and stand in lines on the day after Thanksgiving sales. To read more on the flip flop fight click here.

What does this say about our society when we are fighting for flip flops, free chicken and standing in line for a free burrito. I like sales, but I do not want anyone to get hurt in the process. FREE seems to stand for "taking what you want no matter the cost." We need to think about how bad that we want the sale. I know that people are hurting, emotionally and financially, but we need to think about each other as we are running through the stores, snatching and grabbing items at these super sales.

So, let the sales flow....but let's keep it safe out there.


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