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Got Job?

Thank God for all His many blessing. Mr. J got a job offer yesterday and accepted. I am happy that he found something so quick after getting laid off. The way that the economy is right now, we were bracing for a longer period of time for him to have to find a job. Beggars can not be choosers, since his shift will be nights again. He worked nights before, so it won't be much of change. I kinda wished he got days since I kinda have gotten use to him being around when I came home from work. I will let him get his foot in the door, before I start asking him to post for a day or mid-day shift. His job is with a good company and the location is closer to our home so some nights I will be able to have dinner with him on his lunch break. We will have more details about the position on Monday. I am so thankful that God has truly blessed my family.


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