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I Heart Flip Flops

I love shoes and not met on that I did not like (well maybe a few). I heart flip flops. I mean when I say I love flip flops, I mean I love flip flops. My feet really go through a transition when I have to start putting on socks and shoes again. My feet give me a little break in the summer when I want to take a walk or go to the gym, and I have to put on tennis shoes and socks, but I can only have them closed up for 30 minutes to an hour or they start to hurt. I guess it is their way of crying for help, to get back into a flip flop. I think I have every color, but I am always looking for different colors and styles. I am so bad that I wear my flip flops into work from the parking lot and sometimes accidentally forget to put on my work sandals. (Yeah right, Ha Ha).
My husband, Mr. J, hates flip flops. I do not think that he really hates the shoes itself, but he finds the sound that they make annoying. He said that he can hear me coming and going. At least he knows where I am. He can just follow the sound. Him disliking the sound is not going to stop me from wearing them.
I love flip flops so much, I even decorate them for weddings and any other occasion. You can visit me at The Flip Flop Fairy on Esty.

Here are the flip flops that I made for my bridesmaids:

Do you love, like or hate flip flops?


Anonymous said…
I absolutely love flip flops and wear them to death. They're great with skirts, shorts, jeans, khakis, anything. As soon as we get a hint of spring I break them out. I love that your bridesmaids all wore them!
Dana said…
They really appreciated them after they started to boogie at the reception.

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