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My New Government Name

It is official.. I am Mrs. D.J. On Friday, I went to the bank and to the social security office and changed my name. The only thing that I did not do was get a new driver's license. I will get that within the next few weeks. I wanted to be Mrs. D.J. for a long time, and when I say a long time I mean a long time. At times it seems so final, like I a losing a piece of my identity. I know that I am still Dana, but sometimes that it feels like I have changed into someone else and all I did was change my last name. Well, I guess I did change into someone else, I changed from Ms. to Mrs. It is suppose to be different. It is a new beginning of a new life, no matter how long that I dated Mr. J. The relationship has changed, thus the name has to change with it. So, suck it up Dana, move are still the girl that loves shoes, Coach purses, watching Aqua Teen Hungerforce, thrift store shopping,listening to 80's music and being the wife of Mr. J. I am going to say it loud and proud I am officially MRS. J ( with a lot of Ms. B still there)!!!!


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