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Are You are a Southern Belle?

I have found a new I need another show to TiVo. The Southern Belles of Louisville that comes on The Soap Network. It kinda reminds me of a single version of Housewives of New York. I think that this show is more relatable to me, since the ladies are close in age to me. Check it out.

This show is going to be TiVo along with some of my other new summer favorites like "The Little Couple" and "Cake Boss". I have also started watching"Jon and Kate plus 8". I think that I am just doing this to be a little nosey, since they have been in the news so much lately. What are you watching this summer, if anything? Hopefully I will be able to catch up with some of my TiVo shows this weekend between volunteering at my communities annual Juneteeth Celebration and trying to get my home office organized(wish me luck with this one). Have a great weekend.


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