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It is official....I am old. You become old when the icons that you grow up with start to pass away. Well, the King of Pop is gone. I remember when my mom and aunt took my cousin and I to see Michael Jackson and his brothers on the Torture Tour. It was a great concert. I was dressed in my black pleather pants, pink shirt, my red Beat-It jacket, my silver socks, black penny loafers and silver glove. You could not tell me that I did not look like him. At that time I had a Jeri curl in my hair so I styled it like Michael Jackson in Billie Jean (one of my favorite Mikey songs). I was close enough to see him. It was great. I think I stood up and danced on the chair the whole concert.

Thriller was the best album ever. I had to get two copies because when I first heard the song Thriller, I scratched it because I got scared. Still got the album, might have to pull it out this weekend.

I was a huge Michael Jackson fan growing up. I had posters all over my bedroom walls, had buttons of him all over my jean jacket and even had a purse with his picture on it. I thought that he was going to be my boyfriend one day. I even had 2, not one, Michael Jackson barbie-like dolls (hope my mom still has those).

To show how big Michael was, when I attended dance school we even did a dance number to P.Y.T for one of our numbers for our annual recital. I thought I could moonwalk, like him.

Even though all of his weirdness, he was still a great artist. He will be truly missed by all.


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