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My Husbands Obsession

Kinda sounds like a Lifetime TV movie. My husband enjoys working on cars, fixing things and his new obsession.....our yard. He has always cared about how our lawn looks, but now it has grown to flowers and plants. It started with hosta plants. He was so in to them that I started calling him
"Hosta Man" as a joke. He has now moved to vegetables ( which I am looking forward to eating), a butterfly garden and several different shaped plots of land with various plants in them in my backyard. He is constantly looking up things about mulch and organic gardening. Before he just TiVo car shows, but he has moved on to recording landscaping and gardening shows, like "Yard Crashers" and "Gardening by the Yard". I came home the other day and he had dust all over him and I asked what he was doing and he stated," Just drilling a hole in some rock for the water feature." Mr. J and one of the neighbors (who also has a nice yard) talk often about what to use on the grass, what they are growing and what they are going to do next planting season ( that is a whole 12 months away). I must say that the yard does look nice and I plan on enjoying every bit of it...... sitting in a lounge chair on our deck.

(My husband trying to explain to me the different types of flowers in the flower bed.)

( Can not wait to eat some of the yummy veggies.)


Tabby said…
You tell him everything looks beautiful!
Dana said…
Thanks I will let him know.

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