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Bonfire....No Fire

Mr. J and I attended a bonfire this past weekend....there was only one problem there was no fire. When we arrived at the event, we could see the fire from the road. Boy, were we glad to see people since we were out in the middle of no where in the dark. The fire roared on for about 30 minutes after we arrived, but slowly faded. The host tried to add lighter fluid and even gasoline to make it stay, but the fire wanted to go away. Note to self....when planning to invite people over for a bonfire you might want to put the wood in the garage or at least cover it so that it does not get wet if it rains. This would be what the host of this bonfire did not do. So I allowed Mr. J to socialize with his friends as I sat wrapped up in a blanket as listened to a group of women singing Michael Jackson songs. I must say they were great for a laugh. After about 45 more minutes, I gave up and asked Mr. J if we could leave since I was cold and getting tired of playing Pac Man on my cell phone. He agreed. When we left, I thought that we would be going straight Mr. J decides that he wants to go and get some Gatorade on sale at Meijer at 1:00 am. What a way to spend a Saturday night. It was not a total bust, I got dinner at Red Lobster.


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