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5 Random Thoughts

  1. Today is day 15 of  my National Blogging challenge and I am trying to find something to talk about. I started this blog because I got such a response from my wedding blog and I wanted to record my life after getting married. I really enjoy talking to other bloggers out there and hearing about their life and their thoughts on things. I need some feed back. Talk to me. Tell me what you are thinking? Is there something that you want to talk about? 15 more days until I finish the National Blogging challenge.

  2. Really trying to think of what I am going to take for Thanksgiving dinner. This year...since I am married I have to go to my husbands' family home for dinner. There always to many people there..I am use to a small gathering. Thank goodness I am dragging my mom with me and even think that I am driving seperately so that I can get home and get myself ready for "Black Friday" morning. I usually make cheesecake for dessert, but I know that one of my husbands sisters already makes that. Any suggestions on what I can make quick, easy and is going to taste good?

  3. The recent report of  women not needing a mamogram until 50 is a little concerning. I think that this report is just going to confuse women even more. I hope that women consult their doctors and continue to do their self breast exams, so that early detection is still key.
  4. 2 more days until "New Moon".
  5.  The show Glee comes on tonight. Hope that I can stay awake to watch it.

I hope that you have a great Hump day!!


    Wrote this post: just for you! I'm a little late but I'm going to finish this month out with a boom *Smile*
    Aarika said…
    Response to your random thoughts:

    1.First, I want to commend you for keeping up with the national blogging challenge. Sometimes coming up with content is hard.

    Maybe you could just talk about married life in general without being too personal. Tell us about you and your hubby's date nights or challenges/joys of marriage. Pose questions to us to get good conversation going.

    2. I feel like we are in the same boat as far as Thanksgiving dinner. I can't think of a thing to take. Dinner this year will be with my dad's family and there are always tons of people there. As far as what to make, I've been thinking about that for about 3 weeks and I still don't have a clue. Maybe you could do some type of appetizer. People are always hungry before the dinner.

    3. I agree with you on the mammogram thing. So Ladies, please self test.

    4.Not that excited about New Moon. I can wait until it comes out on DVD. I would rather see Precious.

    5. I catch Glee when I can. I was really looking forward to it when the season first started but now I don't feel like it's all that it was hyped up to be.
    Dana said…
    Thanks for your comments and encouragement, Aarika. You have given me somethings to think about for future posting. I had never thought about an appetizer for Thanksgiving, I guess because I am use to preparing most of the meal . I am going to have a movie filled weekend with New Moon on Friday and Precious on Sunday. I will definately have a posting about that to see what people thought about both movies. My Glee is not all that it is hyped up to be for me either, that is probably why I have several of them in my TiVo box and have been falling asleep when it is on.

    Good Luck..One Bride with One Broom. I know that you can get back on track.You can do it.

    I am so glad that you ladies posted today, this is the type of conversation that I am looking for.

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