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Election Day

Last year this time, I became very politically active. The first time ever, in all of my voting years did I become so involved. I do not know if it was the spirit moving in the coutry, my urge to really take my part in the process or hoping that my small part could make a change. I went door to door handing our literature and watch enough CNN to make sure I understood all of the issues. This election day, I do not feel that same spirit. I kinda of just want it to be over with. I am still going to vote today, due my need to not allow others to make decisions for me. I just wish that every election was like last election, with the feeling that what and who you are voting for is worth wild.


Patti said…
I agree - there is no fire in anyone's belly this election day. I live in Atlanta, and theres a huge mayoral race this year. The DJ's spent all day trying to convince people to go to the polls because the turn out was so low. Its really a shame.

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