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I Have Become a Germ-A-Phob

Every since this H1N1 has come about, I have become a total germ-a-phob. I home over almost every night and take a hot shower, hoping to get all the germs off of me. I need to take out stock in Pruell, I am constantly using the stuff which is totally making my hands dry. Every time I hear someone cough or sneeze in a store or at work, I want to run out of the area.  I think that I became more of a germ-a-phob when my BF husband came down with H1N1 and was in the hospital for a long period of time. Luckily he is doing better now and will be going home soon. I need to just calm down and continue with the precautions that my local health department has advised. With all the news, of long lines of people trying to get the vaccine and people dying from it, I think that it has just put me in a panic. I am going to be cool though. I will just continue to clean my house with HUGE amounts of bleach and wash my hands constantly with soap and water and lots, and lots of Purell.  Stay well.


Might I recommend a trip to Bath and Body Works? While their stuff is a tad more expensive than Purell, it's worth it. You can get the soaps ( with water) that have moisturizers. They also have the foaming antibacterial that you can put in your purse. They are a little kinder than plain Purell. Otherwise your hands might be very uncomfortable this winter!
Dana said…
Thanks for the tip. I love Bath and Body Works. I have gotten some of the soaps on sale. I have been trying to mix the hand sanitizer with lotion so that my hands are not so dry.
Aarika said…
Bath and Body Works is having a great sale. They were giving out hand sanitizer and coupons in Atlanta last weekend. Get on the mailing list for coupons and offers.
Dana said…
I have just recieved some coupons from them for the day after Thanksgiving. I plan on using them.

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