What is one of the sweetest things that your husband/boyfriend has done for you?
Mr. J has done a lot of sweet things, but one of the sweetest things was this past August. I was having pain from my fibroids. The pain was so intense, that all I wanted to do was lay in the bed or the couch. He went bought me some Chicken and Noodles from Bob Evans (which always seems to make me feel better), and kept checking on me to see if I was OK or if I needed anything. When I am sick all I want to do is be left alone, but he kept checking on me. I know that he was trying to be sweet, but it almost became annoying that he was checking on me so much. Even when I was on my way home from my doctors appointment and was prescribed a pain medication he came home early from work to stay with me since I had never taken the medication before. Mr. J can be very caring and this one example of how much he cares.