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Wedded Wednesday--- His, Hers and Mine

Wedded Wednesday is a collaboration
of married bloggers sharing their inspirations,
anecdotes, struggles and thoughts regarding
the amazing union of two separate people, as one 

You ever come home and your taste buds all set for a special food item and realize that once you get there that it is gone. I understand that we need to share in a marriage, but sometimes I just want to have something to myself. When I want Oreos, I want to be able to go to the cabinet and get them without picking up a package with 2 left. When I want some fruit juice, I want to be able pour an adult size glass and not a sippy cup size. What should I do? Should I buy in bulk and then we would have an overage of food that might go to waste. I might have to go to stashing items in hiding places around the house, but I should not have to do that. I know that this sounds silly...but when a girl wants her Oreos and ice cream after a long day at work it should  not be much to ask for.


Faith said…
omg! i think you just made a post for me, lol. it is sooo true! i am tired of everything being eaten before i get to it ... but it might be a good thing. i really should be eating half the stuff I want!
The PeachPost said…
That's funny. I have definitely had similar thoughts. I don't mind sharing, but there are certain things that I don't like to share - namely my Cokes. When I am drinking my coke, I can't stand for my husband to grab my bottle and take a sip or two. It's mine. LOL. And don't take the last coke in the frig - that's just a no no.
Sarah Louise said…
I feel the same way! I hate when I buy something that both Jared and I enjoy and instead of finding it in the cabinet, I find it in the trash :(

Sometimes it is necessary to have separate stuff from your spouse!
Tania said…
We always let the other know when we take the last of something. Although, a lot of times, we'll leave a serving of something for the other person, and it never gets eaten because that person doesn't want to eat the last one. Ha!

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