I attended a funeral yesterday for a woman who attended my church. She was fiesty, very opinionated, but always took action for what she believed in. She started my church's food pantry and was very active in foreign mission work. I enjoyed talking to her and she often made me laugh with some of the things that she would say. When people got up to talk about her, they said all these wonderful things about how she always made sure that people had something to eat, or how she interacted with the people who came into the food pantry. It made me think...what good things do I do for others? I am active with my church missions and with my sororities community service activities, but what impact are they really making in my community? Is there something else that I can be doing to make more of an impact? You heard and saw the impact that the woman at my church had on others just by the words that were said about her. It makes me want to do more, not so people can say stuff about me when I am gone, but to make someone else's life and my own richer. I will have to figure out what exactly I am going to do or how I am going to do it, but I do know that it is going to be something.
What do you do that positively impacts othere, you and/or your community?
PS: Wednesday morning I was happy to see that I have finally reached 30 readers. Today I am back to 29. Thanks
My Dream Life for joining me. Maybe I will be back to 30 soon. Keep on reading. Hope you have a
great weekend.