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Random Thought: Enough Already

( Disclaimer: I am not writing this to upset anyone or discuss the differences in politics. I just wanted to get something off my mind)

I hang a flag on the flag pole in the summer, but I would not call myself a flag waver. I am patriotic, for the way that we lived here in the United States. I appreciate the fact that I live in America. I admire those that serve in our armed services.  With all of that said, can we just enjoy those facts, instead of trying to make mountains out or mole hills with the recent operation that killed Osama Bin Laden. Truth be told, the news has said his name  more and recapped the horrible events of September 11, more this week than they have since anniversary of September 11 last year.  I am not saying that I understand everything that took place or sure if I want to even know all of the details.  For me it is a little concerning that so many people are questioning the who, what and when of what happened and to me it makes it seem like they do not appreciate all the hard work and planning that our government and the brave service men and woman involved did.

I want to say THANK YOU to all of who were involved in this operation. I THANK YOU for making the United States of America a little bit safer. God Bless America.


Whitney said…
Well said, Dana! I completely agree with you!
Dana said…
Glad someone feels like I do.
Dana said…
@ Whitney--Thanks coming to my blog and I will be adding you to my blog roll.

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