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Wedded Wednesday: A Very Bad Day

Last week, I had the day from hell. I am not sure if I was just PMS or it was the fact that it seemed like everyone on my caseload on work had an issue and the topper was when I went to my scheduled hair appointment, my hair stylist was not there and was not coming in due to being out of town. Ugh. When the hubby called on his lunch break, I do not think that he got a word in besides, "Hello", since I began to vomit all over him about my day. He allowed me to vent about the day and  my world. As I continued to talk, I finally said, "Are you listening to me?"


" Well, why did you say in anything?"

"You know Dana, I just wanted to let you get it off your chest. That's life. Everything will work out. Everything will be OK. Tomorrow will be better."

I was silent. He was right. What was me being all worked up about it now going to do. I just sat there with the phone in my hand.

"Are you there?"

"Yes"  I responded.

"I love you. I will call you on my next break to check in on you."


He did what he said he was going to do and called me on his next break. By that time I had been relaxing in my bed watching TV and trying to read a book all at the same time. It is nice to have someone to vent to and does not get worked up with you.

When I woke up the next morning, I found some flowers along with a note saying, " Have a good day" sitting on the kitchen counter. I was surprised and I found it very sweet of him.  I took the note and put it up in my cubical, oops I mean workstation, at work to look at. So now when I am getting frustrated at work, I just look at the note on my board to remind me that I each day is a great day, even if it does not feel like it,  due to I have so much to be grateful for.


The Edberg's said…
I am sorry to hear about your bad day! I often have those, and you're right, it helps just to have someone to vent to. Lucky you getting flowers and a sweet little note. I've got a picture of Tony acting goofy right by my PC screen so every time I look up he's there being cheesy. Just what it takes to put a smile on my face.
Dana said…
Love the screen saver idea. I have plenty of pictures of my hubby acting stupid that make me smile.
Faith said…
it really is a blessing to have someone to vent to when you just need to let it out. it was so nice of him to just listen, give you a reality check in a gentle way and then give you flowers to remind you that tomorrow is a new brand day.

beautiful post!
Dana said…
@Faith---You are right he did give me a reality check. Hey, I did not look at it like that. I guess it is nice to have someone who will do it in a gentle way.

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