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5 Random Thoughts

  1. When you are driving and someone cuts you off or does a dumb maneuver, don't you wish that you had a large hand come out of your car  hood and pop them upside their head?
  2. When you are telling someone something that they do not want to hear, why do they think that crying is going to change what you just said?
  3. Why do police officers offer people that they are interrogating cigarettes, when smoking in most public buildings is illegal? (  I have been watching the First 48)
  4. Why does summer seem to go by so fast and winter go so slow?
  5. Why when you go into Walmart or Target for a few items and you leave with a cart full?


Faith said…
hahaha, good questions!

and seriously about the cigarettes! i've noticed the same thing, haha.

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