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Dating + Marriage= Baby

I know that I have talked about this before, but I was there a line of fine print that I missed when I applied for my marriage license that stated that " Once married that after the 2 year anniversary that you must have a baby." Did anyone have that listed on their marriage license application? I must have skimmed over it. It is not bad enough that people that I do not normally share my personal life with are asking me, but now there are people asking my husband at his place of employment and giving him advice. Wow. I just wanted to share some of the advice that he was given.....
" You should have sex everyday."
"Tell her to lay on her side for about 20 minutes before moving."

When my husband came and told me this, I first asked, "What and the hell are saying to people at work?". He said nothing and that people just assumed that we were trying to have a family since we have hit the 2 year mark in our marriage and offered their experiences and advice. Really? Is the work conversation to someone that you only are friendly to at work.? I guess that I never thought that I would be having this conversation with my husband from what someone had said to him at work.

My stance is still this, asking someone about their reproductive life should be left for persons that you choose to have these conversations with and not with who wants to have the conversation with you.


Faith said…
wow, how strange and awkward! i can't imagine that grown adults would go to a person and just give advice when it wasn't asked or needed ... frickin' strange!

i didn't get that fine print on my marriage license either, haha.
Dana said…
@Faith and Brandi--AMEN!!!
The Edberg's said…
Time for people to mind their own business....I imagine those same people will be giving unsolicited advice if/when you do choose to get preggo.
Dana said…
Mrs Edberg--I think that you are probably right.

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