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Wedded Wednesday: Wife +Sick Hubby =Medical Degree

I posted  last week about my husband being sick. Even though he is feeling better, he went to his doctor to make sure everything was OK. His doctor in-turn referred him to a specialist, to make sure as well. When I asked him what was the specialist going to do, he said " I do not know. Probably just check me out."  That did not sit well with me, so I decided that I needed to attend the appointment with him.

We attended the appointment. He signed in at the front desk and the receptionist asked for the paperwork sent. He of course looked at me......especially since I was the one who fill out the paperwork. I am not sure why I filled out his paperwork, probably because he asked me to, but I never have him fill out my medical paperwork. I digress. We were escorted back to the exam room. The nurse was really nice. As she began to ask for some of the medical information, I found myself answering more of the questions than he was. Maybe I should have been quiet. The doctor eventually came in and began talking to the hubby and once again I found myself answering most of the questions, but the hubby did not stop me.  The doctor tried to elevate some of the discomfort that he was having, but was not able to in the office. The doctor decided that it would be best if we schedule another day for the minor procedure to be completed.

We went to scheduling to schedule the date for the procedure. Once again I was answering the questions and picking the date for the procedure.  Of course the scheduler went over some of the procedure. It took all of 15 minutes and we were out the door. As we were walking to the car, the hubby turns to me and states," Did you get all of that?"  Wow. Really?

I did not know that becoming a wife I would need to become a medical professional as well. I think that it is funny that it seems like I knew more medical information about  my hubby than he did. I guess that I now know that in our family, I will be the medical record keeper to keep us all healthy and well. CHECK. Add another wifey task for Dana.


Just found your blog. You and your husband are so stinking adorable! I love it.
Mrs. Pancakes said…
I think it is very true that as a wife our roles are very extensive! Sounds like you were able to be there for a time when he really needed you! Go wifey!!
Dana said…
@Alycia--Thanks for stopping by and becoming a follower.
@ Mrs Pancakes--A wife's job is never done.
Gwen said…
I swear sometimes I'm more of a mom than a wife but it goes hand in hand. You did a great job and if he didn't want you answering the questions you would have known. Have a great rest of your week!
Dana said…
@ Gwen--Thanks.

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