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Weekend Sweeps


Had pizza and a movie with my little friend Ben.We watched Tron and Little Fockers. I was surprised that I really enjoyed both of them. The weather started to get stormy and I hurried home. I hate storms. Luckily, the hubby was home from work early.


Attended my last sorority meeting of the year. I spent the day with one of my "besties" Bev. We went to lunch at "our spot" El Vaquero. We then did some window shopping and of course hit the Bath and Body Works sale.I think I did a little damage.

Here is some of my hubby's hard work in the back yard.
I must have did a little to much shopping, because when I got home I took a long nap.  Luckily, once my nap was done my husband was done working in the yard, so we were able to spend a little time together just vegging out.


Attended my friend Bev's early morning service. I wish my church had an early morning service. Her  church service started at 9:45 am and I was able to  attend service, go to the store and be home by 12:30pm. Yes!!

I did a little house work, while the hubby put together the new grill. I used the other grill, while he put the new one together.  Usually the hubby does the grilling but I decided to take a shot at it. I did not do half bad, if I do say so myself.
It was yummy and I cooked enough to last a few days this week. I spent the rest of the evening watching some show on Tru TV that the hubby  found and Ice love Coco that I wanted to see.

It was a relaxing weekend. It really went quick. Hope that you had a good weekend as well.


Brandi said…
That food on the grill is making me so hungry right now! Looks good :)

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