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Red, White and Painted

I got my nails done for yesterday, like I do every two weeks. I initially went in with an idea of what  I wanted do this time. I saw this polish  by ICE at Walgreens that did crackle on top of whatever color that you wanted to show threw and through that it would look good for the upcoming holiday. I want the look in the picture below.
I used a red polish  as the base coat called Good Girl by Sinful Colors, another Walgreens purchase. Once it started to crackle, I decided that I did not like it. I do not know if I used another color it would look better or if I just did not like the look all together.  Have any of you used crackle nail polish? What were your results?

Since I did decided that I did not want to live with that look for two weeks until my next nail appointment, so I allowed my manicurist, that I have gone to for over 10 years, to do what she wanted. Here is what I ended up with.....
She used the polish red polish on the tips and then took red, white and blue polish  and marbleized them together to jazz up my ring fingers.  I really like the design, as always, I tend to like most of the designs that she creates on my nails. It is great thing to pamper yourself.


Mrs. Pancakes said…
Dana, how festive!!! Hope it last through the weekend til Monday! Let hubby do dishes all weekend:-)
Dana said…
@ Mrs. Pancakes-- When I get my nails done. It usually last 2 two, but I will take your suggestion of letting the hubby do the dishes.
Faith said…
i love it! very festive! it really is nice to treat yourself! manicures & pedicures are i think the #1 way to treat yourself!

have a fabulous weekend!
Dana said…
@Faith--Thanks. I love to treat myself. Hope you had a great weekend as well.

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