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Weekend Sweeps


I started my extended holiday weekend. I went and saw Transformers 3. I went to an 11:00am show so that it was not so crowded. I did not see it in 3-D and I am glad since there was so much action going on I am sure my eyes would be crossing if I saw it in 3-D. I really enjoyed the movie and it was everything that I expected it to be and more.


Since I went to the early show, I was able to come home and just veg out the rest of the day.  I must say there are some interesting shows on TV in the early to late afternoon. I did end up going to the grocery store later on that evening so that I would beat the crowds for the weekend shopping.


Spent most of the day cleaning and preparing for our annual 4th of July party which was taking place on Sunday. Hubby and I just hung out and got alot done so that we could really enjoy the party.

I made tacos for dinner, my favorite. They were yummy.


Spent the day with family and friends at our annual 4th of July cookout. One of my sister-in-laws came down with her daughters. There was so much food, we will have left overs for days.We really had a good time, laughing, joking, playing cards and just spending time together.  The best part is that we could see our local suburbs fireworks in our backyard along with all of my neighbors who were shooting of fireworks. It was so much fun.

Hope you have a great holiday weekend as well.


Faith said…
sounds like the perfect weekend!

p.s. Transformers made a lot of $$$$ opening weekend! good reviews too! i hope that i get to see it soon!
Anonymous said…
Glad you had a good holiday weekend!! Yay for leftovers!
Jules said…
I'm glad you had a nice weekend and our weekends sound so similar. We saw Transformers and had tacos too :)

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