I swear that I looked bigger last week, but it might be because I had on a stripped shirt. Who knows. Here is this weeks update.
Size of Baby: Baby J is the length of an ear of corn. Still pretty small in size, but getting bigger each week.
Size of Baby: Baby J is the length of an ear of corn. Still pretty small in size, but getting bigger each week.
Maternity Clothes: Wearing whatever is comfortable.
Gender: Still don't know. Maybe I will be able to see in a week or so.
Movement: Baby J is a little mover, which is a good thing. Sometimes when Baby J moves kinda gives a weird feeling in my throat.
Sleep: Getting more energy back, but some days I really just want to sleep.
What I Miss: Being able to go, go, go. I try to complete task around the house, but I have to do a little and then stop and start again. I end up getting the task done but it just takes me a little bit longer.
Cravings: Still loving sweets especially Reese's cups, which is not a really good thing.
Symptoms: Sometimes it takes me a little while to get comfortable in bed at night. I have noticed a little bit of swelling at night of my ankles, so it just gives me an excuse to put my feet up.
Moment of the Week: Thought last week that I found my bedding, but I have found something totally different that is cheaper and a little more sophisticated. I already have the room planned out in my head. Let's just hope it all works out.