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Wedded Wednesday: Help Me!!!

Since becoming pregnant, I have realized that there are something that I have had to modify doing around the house or need total assistance with completing. It kinda sucks that I need help with so many things. I have always been very independent so it is hard to give up some control. Everyone keeps stating that I need to enjoy it, but it is kinda hard when you want to get things done. I started  a few weeks ago sending text   or leaving notes for the hubby asking for things that I need him to do such as taking the laundry basket down to the basement for me or making sure that all his dishes are in the sink for me to wash at once so that I can get some housework done when I come home from work so that house does not look like a total wreck and still be able to rest a little. Each day he is doing a little bit more and more with assisting me without all of the text and notes, which is a good thing. Not to say he does not help around the house, but he is just helping me a little more with the chores that I typically do. Who knows, maybe he will like doing all the chores so much I will not have to worry about doing any of them. Ha....I do not think that is going to happen, but a girl can dream and  I  am learning to appreciate any assistance that I get.


Anonymous said…
So true! I had to have the husband clean some of the bathrooms. It's hard to relinquish control! But we can't do it all :) Have a great day!
That's probably one of my favorite things about being married. It's taken me a long time to learn but it's so comforting to be able to lean on Kyle, not just emotionally, but to be able to trust him to take care of things. The other day he called and scheduled our dog's appointment with the groomer, just totally without me asking. It was one of those moments where I thought, wow, why have I thought I had to figure this out all by myself all the time??
Mrs. Pancakes said…
It's definitely going to be important for the hubby to help now because you are going to need great help later on!
Faith said…
how sweet that he is helping the way he is ... haha, who knows? maybe he would enjoy the chores so much that he will do them all. hehe.

glad that you are realizing that help is much needed and appreciated in this stage in your life.
Dana said…
Thanks for the advice and support ladies.

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