Now that I am expecting, I have been looking at baby items and realizing the expense. It is not cheap. Last week, Michelle Duggar announced that she was pregnant with her 20th baby. My first thought was "What!?" and my second thought was too congratulate her.I began to think about all the expense of one child, what about 20 children ......crazy. How many children is too many children? Should society dictate how many children each person can have? I know some countries already try to regulate this. Personally, I think that each couple needs to decide what is best for them then adjust their lifestyle to accommodate their choice. The hubby and I have discussed that Baby J might be it for us, but who knows what will happen when Baby J arrives. What do you think?
Count your life by smiles, not tears. Count your age by friends, not years. --Uknown I will keep this is quote in mind as I celebrate getting a year older. I am truly blessed to have to another year to celebrate. quote found
the reason is because her last child she wasn't in the best healthy state and she almost lost her life. then for them to do it again, i understand that you guys do not believe in birth control, but there are just so many times in a month that one can get pregnant. why can't they just skip those days?! ugh. after a while i begin to wonder if this is really what she wants or her husband.
it will be horrible for 20 kids to be without their mother if something terrible goes wrong. also, all the older kids are basically taking care of their siblings. i feel that is so unfair to them all.
but at the end of the day, this is not my life so my thoughts don't truly matter. i wish them all the best and wish her a happy and healthy 9 months.