I participated again in my jobs, Biggest Loser challenge. We started the second week of January and ended last Wednesday. I will say during this challenge it had many ups and downs, including many birthday cakes, after Christmas treats and Valentines Day. It did motivate me to use the work gym more during my lunch and start using the
My Fitness Pal app on my phone. When the posting went up every two weeks I waited in expectation to see where I placed, either way good or bad it made me want to do better with my food choices and my exercise. I must admit with all the cold weather, I really did not want to do much exercise but just wanting to snuggle with the little one with a little evening TV. Well, we finally got the standings yesterday and I was..........
6th out of 28 people. I won a whole $20.00, which basically allowed me to break even since there was a $20.00 entrance fee. This process just allowed me to look at my food choices better and jump start me with obtaining my fitness goals. Yeah me!! Let's just hope that I can keep it up, especially since summer is on its way.