My little one has been a little hair challenged since 6 months old, when she lost most of her hair. It made me sad when she lost her hair and had little pieces all over her head. As L.L Cool J said, " I'm making a comeback", which exactly what her hair is doing. I have been able to put a little barrette in the top of her head for a while, so that people could stop asking me how old "he" was. This past week I was able to try to two little ponytails in her head. They were so cute. The only issue was that Miss G only kept them in for a short period of time. She really does not like getting her hair combed but she is gets through it. I figure the more that I put the ponytails and barrettes in, the more she will get use to having her hair done.
Count your life by smiles, not tears. Count your age by friends, not years. --Uknown I will keep this is quote in mind as I celebrate getting a year older. I am truly blessed to have to another year to celebrate. quote found