It was between Chicago and the state of Pennsylvania. Well....the state of Pennsylvania won out for our little trip for our first anniversary. It is a shorter drive than going Chicago, especially since we do not want to spend most of our mini-vacation in the car. I have a co-worker that lived in Pennsylvania and she gave me some great places for us to visit like, the Phipps Conservatory, the incline at Mt. Washington and the Pittsburgh Zoo ( I think that the hubby would like the aquarium). It is hard to believe that it has been almost a year since our wedding, but I can not wait for our time away. Even though I want to see somethings while we are there, I really just want to relax. If you know any great places to go or see in the state of Pennsylvania let me know. We are looking at taking some three day weekend trips in the summer and maybe a week long trip to the beach in the fall. Do you have any plans for trips anytime soon or this summer? Share we might want to g...