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You Are the Biggest Loser.....NOT!

I am in 10th place, which means that I won a whole ........(drumroll).....$17.16. YES!!!!  I posted  a few months ago about entering this session at my job of the Biggest Loser contest. I had mixed feeling about doing this term since the last two I kinda sucked at. This session I did lose a total of 8.89 pounds over this 12 week period. I just need to keep it up so that I can look good in my summer dresses and bermuda shorts. I know it is going to be hard due to I love to have ice cream in the summer time. I am going to keep on walking with my friend in 2-3 evenings per week, going to my line dancing class, continue using my fat tracker on my Blackberry and use my Zumba tape a little more, so that the ice cream does not show.

My co-workers and myself loss a total of 161.8 pounds!! That is great. I am not sure if I am going to do to the next session. Since there is an entry fee, I might just take my $17.16 and quit while I am ahead.


Nicki said…
Congrats on the competition! I just sent you an invite to pinterest -- hope you like it! :)
Brandi said…
8 pounds is great! Better than nothing, right? I trying to lose about 10 myself....we'll see what happens :)
Dana said…
Thanks Nicki.

Good luck Brandi.

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