How important is conversation to you? Since my husband and I work different shifts, conversation is a very important. We tend to talk several times throughout the day, especially on our lunch breaks. It keeps us apart of each others day, until we have time together on weekends. The other night was a little different. My husband came home from work and realized that I was awake, he began to talk to me. We talked about how his day at work, my day at work, silly things on TV etc, etc, etc. Before we knew it was 1:00am. What was I was thinking? I have to be at work at 8:00 am (like I really make it there at that time, ha), but it was worth it. I really do not think that I just enjoyed the conversation, but I enjoyed the connection I felt with my husband. The connection is what I think mattered the most and I look forward to having many more moments like that in the years to come.
My Life After Jumping the Broom with the Love of My Life